Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Day 12 of the Emergencies Act hearings, former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said that “misinformation and disinformation” from mainstream media sources during the Freedom Convoy was “unrelenting” and seriously damaged the morale of Ottawa police officers.

Sloly: “It was crushing to the members’ morale” “It was unrelenting, it was 24 hours a day.” “By the end of the weekend it had become a global story that the mainstream media was following and none of it was portraying, in any way accurate, the hard work of the men and women of the OPS. None of it. To this day it hasn’t.”

Examination in-Chief by Mr. Frank Au
Examination in-Chief by Ms. Natalia Rodriguez

Sloly: What unfortunately has happened is that has been tied by someone, or some people, for some reason, unknown to me, to mean that PLT could not or should not be used, or worse – that somehow I had to approve every single PLT action. That is a complete fabrication, and a lie.

Former Chief Sloly states the level of “misinformation and disinformation” coming from mainstream media was “off the charts.” Says it eroded public trust in the police force.

“It was crushing to the member’s morale. It was crushing to the incident command team’s morale.”

“Cut off [his] nuts and call his boss”: Former Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly does not recall an alleged conversation where he used some choice language for subordinates.

Former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly testifies he does not recall threatening to “cut off Dave Springer’s nuts and use them as bookends.”

The OPS (police) lawyer vs former police chief, Peter Sloly. ‘Again. That’s incorrect Sir. That’s not what I said.’

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