Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

On Day 14 of the Emergencies Act hearings, Freedom Convoy protesters are testifiying.

Cross-border truckers Chris Barber and Brigitte Belton, testify how they started the convoy. Steeve Charland of the group Farfadaa, whose supporters were situated at the intersection of Rideau and Sussex during the Convoy, also testified.

Statement by Mr. Brendan Miller
Examination in-Chief by Mr. John Mather
Cross-Examination by Mr. Andrew Gibbs
Cross-Examination by Ms. Alyssa Tomkins
Cross-Examination by Mr. Tom Curry
Cross-Examination by Mr. Paul Champ
Cross-Examination by Ms. Ewa Krajewska
Cross-Examination by Mr. Antoine D’Ailly
Cross-Examination by Mr. Brendan Miller
Re-Examination by Mr. John Mather

Don’t tell me they are going to try to say the Maverick Party was going to try to overthrow the government. That was a hair-brained rumour Gerald Butts made up to my knowledge.

Chris Barber testifies that he had no involvement with other protests outside Ottawa or the border blockades.

Chris Barber testifies on the importance of the protest being peaceful. “That was the utmost importance. The world was watching us.”

What is wrong with being wary of the World Economic Forum? Anyone should be. They are a large, powerful, unregistered lobbyist group that tries to influence governments. Think of it as a United Front operation for corporate profiteers.

Chris Barber testifies on his relationship with Pat King, Jeremy MacKenzie, and Tamara Lich:

Tamara Lich is crowned “The Napoleon of truckers” – a reference to her small stature.

What a farce this all is.

Convoy organizer Chris Barber is asked whether he viewed derogatory statements made by Justin Trudeau as “assaultive,” or “threatening.”

Chris Barber testifies that his trucking business “lost a lot of drivers” due to the cross border vaccine federal mandates. “The Government likes to say 10% of cross border drivers, I didn’t see that, I seen it more like 35% – 40%.”

Convoy organizer Chris Barber testifies “I trucked throughout the whole pandemic, and I never stopped” and that he got vaccinated so he wouldn’t loose the trucking business he spent 16 years building.

Chris Barber testifies on the importance of the protest being peaceful. “That was the utmost importance. The world was watching us.”

Chris Barber testifies on his relationship with Pat King, Jeremy MacKenzie, and Tamara Lich:
Tamara Lich is crowned “The Napoleon of truckers” – a reference to her small stature.

Convoy organizer Chris Barber is asked whether he viewed derogatory statements made by PM Justin Trudeau as “assaultive” or “threatening.”

Freedom Convoy Testimony: Chris Barber (BigRed19755 TikTok): “People came up to me and said they had to come down and see it for themselves because the media wasn’t portraying it properly. And it was a different thing when they got here.” Nov 1, 2022.

“It changed me…. It humbled me.”

Convoy organizer Chris Barber says the “love” he witnessed during the convoy changed him and how he communicates.

Chris Barber testifies that he had no involvement with other protests outside Ottawa or the border blockades.

Chris Barber, one of the organizers of the Freedom Convoy, testifies that he kept working as a trucker throughout the pandemic and got vaccinated in order to keep up with increasing restrictions.

Chris Barber describes the overall mood on the streets of Ottawa during the convoy, dismissing the hateful allegations portrayed by legacy media.
“No matter where you went, someone was wanting to stop and talk to you. A lot of love.”

“She got an email from the RCMP saying it was an illegal freeze.”

Freedom Convoy organizer Chris Barber recounts how three of his bank accounts, including his business account, were shut down with no explanation by the Trudeau gov’t.

Freedom Convoy organizer, Chris Barber, testifies that he kept working as a trucker throughout the pandemic and got vaccinated in order to keep up with increasing restrictions.

After the Freedom Convoy’s GoFundMe got shutdown Chris Barber testifies etransfers went to Tamara Lich’s personal bank account and he doesn’t know what happened with all the cash.

Convoy organizer Chris BARBER admits the emergency lanes were, in fact, blocked.

‘we tried multiples times… we came back the next morning, and it was completely plugged again.’

M. STEEVE CHARLAND, Sous affirmation solennelle
Interrogatoire en-chef par Me Alexandra Heine
Contre-interrogatoire par Me Caroline Laverdière
Cross-Examination by Ms. Jessica Barrow
Contre-interrogatoire par Me Nikola De Stefano
Contre-interrogatoire par Me Paul Champ
Contre-interrogatoire par Me Ewa Krajewska
Statement by Ms. Jane Scharf

Steeve Charland: The media created the “left” and the “right.” I don’t know even know what that means.

Steeve Charland, a Freedom Convoy organizer from Quebec, says that there was never any violence from protesters on the ground, that it was from external sources.
“Everything you saw in the media was s***,” Charland says.

Steeve Charland, Quebec Freedom Convoy organizer: “What the police force did is really disgusting.”

“How come we have to demand that our Charter is respected?” Convoy organizer Steeve Charland gives his take on the government’s response to COVID and the media’s grip on the narrative.

Steeve Charland: The media created the “left” and the “right.” I don’t know even know what that means.

“How come we have to demand that our Charter is respected?” Convoy organizer Steeve Charland gives his take on the government’s response to COVID and the media’s grip on the narrative.

Examination in-Chief by Mr. Jeffrey Leon
Cross-Examination by Mr. Andrew Gibbs
Cross-Examination by Mr. Brendan Miller
Cross-Examination by Mr. Paul Champ
Cross-Examination by Ms. Rebecca Jones

Brigitte Belton testifies on the fundraising cash distributed to the convoy:

They [the organizers staying at the Sheraton, including Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, and Tom Marazzo] were upset. They said we made them look bad.

Upset because they wanted accountability, maybe?

Brigitte Belton testifies the idea for the convoy came from Canada Border Services Agency’s strike, which left traffic snarling border crossings:

“I thought, if CBSA can disrupt our country, and be just fine, truck drivers can do the same.”

Powerful testimony at the Emergencies Act Inquiry today from Freedom Convoy organizer Brigitte Belton whose livelihood was threatened over mandates. “Bodily autonomy, it is mine, it is not my government’s”

“Bodily autonomy, that is where I draw the line. That is mine, it is not my government’s,” says Brigitte Belton, one of the early organizers of the Freedom Convoy, about Justin Trudeau’s coercive vaccine mandates.

Brigitte Belton testifies the idea for the convoy came from Canada Border Services Agency’s strike, which left traffic snarling border crossings: “I thought, if CBSA can disrupt our country, and be just fine, truck drivers can do the same.”

“You have no empathy.” Early convoy organizer Brigitte Belton responds to a question from lawyer Paul Champ about whether she wore a masks into stores when mandate was in place.

Brigitte BELTON talks about how her ‘Facebook jail’ sentence led her towards TikTok & being so distraught after being told to wear a mask she almost killed a family on the road.

Early convoy organizer Brigitte Belton tears up as she watches a TikTok video she recorded last December and discusses the effects of Covid restrictions on her life.

Convoy organizer Brigitte Belton explains her reasons for encouraging people to head to Ottawa:

“I actually believed that the prime minister wouldn’t run away and that he would come and meet with us. I believed our voices would be heard.”

Brigitte Belton, apparently one of the first people involved in the Freedom Convoy, shares emotional testimony of gathering support for the convoy, recalling an incident where she was barred from using a bathroom at a store she made a delivery to.

Brigitte Belton testifies on the fundraising cash distributed to the convoy:

They [the organizers staying at the Sheraton, including Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, and Tom Marazzo] were upset. They said we made them look bad.

Upset because they wanted accountability, maybe?

Early convoy organizer Brigitte Belton tears up as she watches a TikTok video she recorded last December and discusses the effects of Covid restrictions on her life.

Brigitte Belton, apparently one of the first people involved in the Freedom Convoy, shares emotional testimony of gathering support for the convoy, recalling an incident where she was barred from using a bathroom at a store she made a delivery to.

Convoy organizer Brigitte Belton explains her reasons for encouraging people to head to Ottawa:

“I actually believed that the prime minister wouldn’t run away and that he would come and meet with us. I believed our voices would be heard.”

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