Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

On Day 15 of the Emergencies Act hearings, more Freedom Convoy representatives took the stand including Convoy lawyer Keith Wilson, representative Tom Marazzo and live-streamer Patrick King.

Examination in-Chief by Mr. Jeffrey Leon
Cross-Examination by Mr. Robert MacKinnon
Cross-Examination by Mr. Paul Champ
Cross-Examination by Ms. Jessica Barrow
Cross-Examination by Mr. Tom Curry
Cross-Examination by Ms. Ewa Krajewska
Re-Examination by Mr. Jeffrey Leon

Justice Rouleau asks convoy lawyer Keith Wilson if there was an area set up so that the protest may continue (presumably in a “lawful” manner).

Answer is no.

He had asked this question several times now throughout the inquiry, and the answer has always been the same.

Keith Wilson testifies how they were able to convince the Convoy trucks at Rideau and Sussex to move to Welling Street, but were unable to move them due to the police barriers not being removed.

Keith Wilson outlines the deal with Ottawa city and Watson to move trucks from residential areas on to Wellington or to base camps or to leave (exit strategy) to reduce the foot print, but how they were unable to because the police barriers and blocks.

Keith Wilson: Lawyers determined legal protestors can keep protesting after emergency act declaration: “It was signed by Ms. Chipiuk, and we also had at least 4 or 5 other lawyers reviewing the same statutory instruments, and we all came to the same conclusion that the description from the Government to describe the measures was not even close to what the emergency proclamation actually said”

Keith Wilson on the crack down of peaceful convoy protestors in Ottawa: “I am a Canadian and I never imagined that our Government, our Federal Government, would use that level of force against non-violent peaceful Canadians.”

Keith Wilson’s opposition to “Strange People” that were attracted to the freedom movement to distance from “There were “a lot of strange people around downtown Ottawa at the time, including self-described coven of witches.” He also didn’t like Romana Didulo Queen of Canada.

Keith Wilson asked about hate speech responded, “I find the PM’s hate speech towards un-vaccinated people and saying how do we deal with these people deeply troubling.” Wilson also testifies to receiving death threats.

Keith Wilson testifies how GoFundMe executives and legal team briefed convoy organizers about intelligence that: Antifa previously came in and knifed trucks, cut airlines, knifed tires and announced on social media that they were going to be coming in a larger numbers.

Keith Wilson, Freedom Convoy lawyer testifies that he was receiving information from police sympathetic to the protest throughout his time there. Wilson describes it as “remarkable” how these sources all felt “the country was badly off track.”

Keith Wilson, Convoy lawyer testified that someone who wanted to buy fuel for truckers and was put on a “waiting list” because so many people across the country were wanted to do the same.

During the Freedom Convoy Keith Wilson testifies that Antifa would vandalize trucks in the night and then the next day police would announce the arrests generally, allowing people to assume that it was the Convoy protesters.

Examination in-Chief by Mr. John Mather
Cross-Examination by Mr. Brendan van Niejenhuis
Cross-Examination by Mr. Paul Champ
Cross-Examination by Ms. Jessica Barrow
Cross-Examination by Mr. Tom Curry
Cross-Examination by Ms. Ewa Krajewska
Cross-Examination by Mr. Antoine D’Ailly
Re-Examination by Mr. John Mather
Statement by Mr. Natasha Calvinho

Tom Marazzo: The vice-president of Diagolon being a time-travelling, cocaine-addicted goat, that is just an internet meme, it has no meaning at all. I think this commission should be investigating that as the biggest intelligence joke of the last decade.

Tom Marazzo testifies at the Emergencies Act Inquiry how it was important to him to map out the Convoy in Ottawa and to ensure that all emergency lanes were open and there was access to nearby hospitals fire and police stations.

Tom Marazzo testifies in the Emergencies Ac’t Inquiry where on a few occasions that lanes were blocked downtown Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy, they were blocked by police or barricades, not protestors.

Tom Marazzo testifies that the legacy media was vilifying the Freedom Convoy so the truckers were sharing videos on social media to get out their message to all of the people who supported them.

Tom Marazzo testifies that despite having agreement to move the trucks from Rideau and Sussex to move to Welling Street they were ultimately were un-successful on moving the trucks because of the police: Sargent Lee said no deal.

Tom Marazzo testifies that Jeremy MacKenzie and Diagolon is a joke or meme in the Emergencies Act Public Inquiry. “He the the creator of a fictitious meme on the Internet known as Diagolon”.

Racist comment from Paul Champ, Lawyer for Ottawa Coalition in response to Tom Marazzo’s comment that Diagolon Jeremy MacKenzie’s best friend is black. Paul Champ: “does he have a Jewish accountant as well?”

Lawyer from OPS is questioning why Tom Marazzo didn’t understand why he didn’t think that he could continue to protest on foot after reading: “Persons traveling to the unlawful protest sites to participate in or support the unlawful demonstration can be charged.”

Note how the document says “persons traveling”, it does not specify that also means walking on foot, nor does it specify what happens if you are already at the protest site.

Also note how the document says “unlawful protest” if you are standing on foot in front of Parliament on sidewalk are you unlawfully protesting?

Tom Marazzo testifies what he saw and experienced during the police dismantlement of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest.

Tom Marazzo testifies how his bank accounts were frozen along with his ex-wife’s joint account was also frozen with whom Marrazzo had not been with for over a decade. Tom Marazzo testifies how if it were not for cash he would have been unable to purchase his son’s heart medication.

Examination in-Chief by Mr. Jeffrey Leon
Cross-Examination by Mr. Paul Champ
Cross-Examination by Ms. Kathleen Tanner

Pat King testifies at the Emergencies Act Inquiry that he “Had every right of a Canadian citizen stripped of me. My freedom of speech, my freedom of protest, everything.”

Pat King claims while testifying at the Emergencies Act Inquiry that part of the reason he needs protection is because has a copy of a NDA between a “young juvenile” and a certain member of parliament in his possession.

Pat King trying to explain the video of him laughing at the honking on Ottawa: “We’ve been locked down for two years. People are complaining about honking for 10 days? What about what we went through?”

Paul Champ, Lawyer for Ottawa citizens whose clear objective during the Inquiry is to go after the money, asked Pat King about his fundraiser of $100,000. To which shocked Pat King that he had so much money bringing a reaction by spectators in the room.

Pat King compares the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa to Woodstock. Pat King: “I have never seen anything more loving and peaceful in my life it was Woodstock” After testifying that it was Ottawa citizens that were throwing eggs and marbles.

Paul Champ Lawyer for Ottawa citizens has a meltdown while cross-examining Pat King. Rouleau has to call a recesses after a spectator in the room bursts out. “I’m sorry, sir,” Pat King said as the commissioner called for a recess. The inquiry reconvened after about five minutes.

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