Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Global News posted on October 6, 2022 6:25 am a article about hidden YouTube hashtag mgtow found on most of Pierre Poilievre YouTube videos.  The Liberals have absolutely lost their minds over this hidden hashtag bringing it up at every chance in the House of Commons (HOC), and posting all over Twitter, but is it really that big of a deal?  It seems to depend on who you ask.

First what are we talking about here?  The mgtow hashtag is short for “Men Going Their Own Way”. The hashtag Global found was hidden in the code of Poilievre’s YouTube videos and are not seen by the viewer unless you go through the code:

This essentially means that Global News and the Liberals are asserting that you should be offended about a hidden tag that you didn’t even know was there while watching Pierre Poilievre’s videos.  That’s right, not the content of the videos, a hidden tag that don’t know about #AHashTagHurtMe .

Global News and the Liberals claim that this tag was included to attract people from this group and therefore Poilievre is misogynistic.  Yet, YouTube’s website says that adding hidden tags play a minimal role in helping viewers find your video.

Screen shot from YouTube’s add tags section in video Studio:

Is this mgtow group really that bad though?  A book recently published targeting this group doesn’t seem to think so.  Liam Schwartz published a mgtow book as a self help book for men that want to be single and work on themselves or get clean.

As with any group, they can attract extreme elements, and it’s these few extreme elements that Global News and the Liberals are focusing in on. Rather than mgtow being a group of men trying to better themselves after a break-up or divorce, Liberals ascertain that they all are misogynistic and Pierre is attracting male supremacists.

So what did Pierre Poilievre do when Global News made him aware of these hidden tags?  Poilievre stated that he was unaware of these tags, and immediately denounced in person in the House of Commons any affiliation with the extreme elements of this group, and removed this hidden tag from his videos.

“The embedded tags were immediately removed once his office became aware of them. Obviously, Mr. Poilievre condemns misogyny and all forms of online hate,” wrote Sam Lilly, a spokesperson for Poilievre, in a statement to Global.

Which leaves us with how did the tags get added to Poilievre’s videos in the first place?

According to Global News “Poilievre’s office could not say who originally included the tag in the Conservative leaders’ videos in 2018, or why.”

Global News updated their original article to removed the following information:

Global News Original Article Quote: “the Conservative leader is intensely involved in scripting his social media messages and personally approves most of them. But the source said Poilievre is not involved in the actual mechanics of posting, and was unaware of the tags on the videos.”

Some believe that it is possible that these tags were deliberately uploaded on purpose.

“Hashtags were added and found Oct 6th. Total plant.  An IT expert did some research and the hashtags were all embedded on the same day… Oct 6. NOT by Pollievre but some unknown person. Same time as Global news *found* these tags. It’s a smear campaign.”


“Coincidentally the entire MGTOW Wikipedia page was rewrote today on October 6th, given that the “news” was this morning and question period was this afternoon… and the Wikipedia page quotes sources dating to October 7th, which is tomorrow.”

“This is the edit record for the Wikipedia page for MGTOW. The day this story about Pierre Poilievre
and the YouTube tag came out this page was edited the same day to include him. They knew people would be googling the acronym and pushed this immediately to coincide. It’s planned.”  “Was added by activist conservative hater Oceanflynn from Calgary.”

Clyde Do Something noted that Global news used the hashtag they’re trying to smear Pierre Poilievre with. Even Global has that “Do as I say not as I do” thing going.

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