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Pierre Poilievre Responds to Far-Left Global Reporter Rachel Gilmore Painting Him as Supporting the Far-Right

Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre is criticizing media outlet Global News that published an article that accuses him and some of his colleagues of supporting the “far-right,” saying “No wonder trust in the media is at an all-time low.”

“One of Global News’ so-called journalists decided to smear me & thousands of other Canadians because we criticized the federal government’s unscientific & discriminatory vaccine mandates,” Poilievre tweeted on July 7.

Poilievre says in the July 7 statement he can’t be held accountable for the “words and deeds” of everyone he meets as well as those he hasn’t even met.

Poilievre was responding to Global News’ July 7 article by Rachel Gilmore “How close is too close to the far-right? Why some experts are worried about Canada’s MPs.”

The article criticizes Pierre Poilievre and other Conservative MPs’ support for veteran James Topp, who walked across Canada to protest vaccine mandates, as well as Pierre’s support for the Freedom Convoy.

“Instead of just covering the news, unprofessional journalists like you try to set disingenuous traps to attack your opponents,” Poilievre said in a statement responding to the piece.

The article insinuates that because some of the supporters of Topp and the Freedom Convoy have “far-right views,” MPs who support Topp and the freedom movement could be “legitimizing extreme ideas.” The article asks Pierre to answer the following questions that was sent to his campaign:


These posts sparked a huge reaction online with several people supporting Pierre’s response, while others felt that Pierre should answer the leading questions listed in the article.

Unfortunately Rachel does not stop at the article, Rachel proceeds to smear by posting using unverified sources from far-left extremist Antifa.  Global News’ ties to far-left extremists shows that Pierre Poilievre made the correct choice to rise above their behavior, and to not entertain their questions.

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