Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

The Canadian Press yesterday reported “Trudeau mobbed by admirers at Stampede pancake breakfast” when their article went live through their media partners such as The Globe and Mail and CityNews, social media fired back with posts refuting the contrary.

In an attempt to hide from dissent, Trudeau released his itinerary at the last minute, and attended a private Liberal party pancake breakfast event (not at the Stampede) with lone Calgary Liberal MP George Chahal.  While mainstream media reports he was surrounded with “admirers”, the guests in attendance appear less than thrilled.

According to @catranchdream on Twitter: Everyone circled is Trudeau‘s security, the rest are ‘reporters‘.

What The Canadian Press failed to mention in their article is that Trudeau was actually being heckled by the crowd.  Uncensored video surfaced in social media with “Trudeau you’re a traitor!” being shouted during his speech.

Calgary Stampede breakfast heckling: “Trudeau you’re a traitor!” is yelled as Trudeau surrounds himself with a security detail who escorted the heckler away. Mainstream media claims he was “mobbed by admirers.” Fact check: false.

The is the private Liberal party’s pancake breakfast location was a public library’s parking lot.

After receiving overwhelming backlash The Globe and Mail changed their article’s headline provided by The Canadian Press from “Trudeau mobbed by admirers at Stampede pancake breakfast” to “Trudeau references Ukraine, inflation at Calgary Stampede breakfast“.  The original headline would impress even the best state propagandists.


Justin Trudeau did make an appearance at the Calgary Stampede grounds at the Grandstand show with Calgary’s Liberal Mayor Jyoti Gondek while the Grandstand was empty (likely Trudeau was escorted in through the Grandstand’s staff only back entrances).  Fortunately the horses in attendance don’t seem to mind his presence.


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