Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Last week after Trudeau’s Liberal staged Calgary Stampede pancake breakfast is barely hot off the presses: Trudeau is continues his tour of staged photo ops in Kelowna only a few days later.

In a leaked press report by Kelowna’s Daily Courier “He (Trudeau) toured a Boys and Girls Club, a packinghouse, and a fruit stand with reporters invited to take pictures and videos but forbidden in advance to ask any questions. Any shouted queries would result in police-assisted eviction from the various premises, handlers told the media.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives at the BC Tree Fruits facility on Vaughn Avenue in downtown Kelowna o Monday morning. Source: Ron Saymour.

Take note that only “reporters invited to take pictures and videos”.  Even during the staged Calgary Stampede pancake breakfast a protestor managed to shout in the background caught on video “Trudeau your a traitor” until they were whisked away by security in the background.

During the Kelowna staged photo op Trudeau managed to keep it silent by issuing the following statement prior to the event to invited reports “forbidden in advance to ask any questions. Any shouted queries would result in police-assisted eviction from the various premises, handlers told the media.”

When this media directive was leaked, social media lit up firing back from Trudeau’s threats of silence or police eviction, prompting the following statement to be issued from The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO):


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